Common Metric Units And Their Notation Significant Prefix Meaning Symbols And Figure

Common metric units and their notation significant prefix meaning symbols and figure

Quantity = symbol = unit

*Fundamental quantities

1. Length = l = m(meter)

2. Mass = m =kg(kilogram)

3. Time = t = s (second)

4. Electric current = l = A(ampere)

5. Temperature = T = K(kelvin)

6. Amount of substance = =mol (mole)

7. Luminous intensity = l = cd (candela)

*Derived quantities

1. Area = A = m^2 (square meter)

2. Volume = v = m^3(cubic meter)

3. Density = D = kg/m^3 (kilogram per cubic meter)

4. Speed/velocity =v/v =m/s (meter per second)

5. Acceleration = a = m/s^2 (meter oer second squared)

6. Force/weight = F/W =

kg. M/s^2 (N, newton)

7. Pressure = P = N/m^2 (pa,pascal)

8. Work = W = N. m(J, joules)

Power =P = N. m/s (W, watt)


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